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Weathered Bedrock

Applying geoscanners in weathered bedrock

Explore the properties of weathered bedrock.

Understanding the properties and distribution of weathered bedrock is crucial for various applications, from construction and engineering to environmental assessments and resource exploration. Weathered bedrock is the layer of solid rock beneath the Earth’s surface subjected to various weathering processes over time – terrains where our geoscanners excel.

Weathering is the gradual breakdown of rocks and minerals through physical, chemical, and biological processes, and it can occur at or near the Earth’s surface. This weathering transforms solid bedrock into smaller particles and altered minerals near the Earth’s surface. It significantly impacts geological landscapes, soil formation, and various human activities. Weathered bedrock is particularly interesting because it can have different physical and chemical properties compared to unweathered or fresh bedrock.

The Subsurface imaging of the tTEM and sTEM geoscanners is ideal for describing layers of bedrock that have undergone weathering processes and have been altered near the Earth’s surface.

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