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Fractured Hard Rock

Applying geoscanners in fractured hard rock

Explore the subsurface properties, structure, and behavior of fractured hard rock

In areas with fractured hard rock, there is still a large potential for looking for groundwater and here our geoscanners excel. The conductivity variations caused by moisture in fractures and cracks in the hard rock can be mapped and located in high detail, providing essential information about the potential groundwater pathways and aiding in the optimal placement of wells and boreholes for sustainable water extraction. 

The geoscanners (sTEM and tTEM) in fractured hard rock environments give a superior resolution, with the depth of investigation down to 180 m in ideal environments.  

In wide areas, the tTEM geoscanner is very helpful and can be indispensable when pinpointing well locations and imaging the subsurface flow paths, while the sTEM geoscanner is ideal when deep information is required. Choosing the geoscanners will result in better, more precise, and more efficient surveys, even in challenging fractured hard rock formations.

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