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Jobs & Career

Working at TEMcompany

We are currently expanding our team. Please see our open positions on below:

Would you like to be part of an innovative team with high ambitions, challenging tasks and excellent development opportunities? If so, TEMcompany is the place for you.

At TEMcompany, we innovate and develop easy-to-use hardware and software. The company is building next-generation imaging solutions to solve today’s water problems and contribute to responsible and sustainable world development.

TEMcompany believes that mapping and imaging should not require expert knowledge but should be facilitated by intelligent survey instruments that ensure quality and reliability. We evolve intuitive solutions through innovation and research for various applications like mapping groundwater resources, raw materials, etc.

We are searching for candidates who excel in their field and want to contribute to our highly skilled team. A specific interest in geophysics or geology is not always necessary.

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More than geophysics

TEMcompany develops geoscanners – highly integrated mobile systems using TEM (transient electromagnetics) to image the subsurface. Our technology scans groundwater resources and provides solutions for mitigating the effects of the climate crisis and global groundwater shortage. We strive towards sustainable water exploitation.

TEMcompany is partly owned by the Poul Due Jensen | Grundfos Foundation, and we have a board of directors that defines TEMcompany’s frame of work and finances.

Operations & Production

Our journey started in 2020 with the dream of building next-generation imaging solutions for solving today’s water problems. We are proud of the company’s short history. TEMcompany has expanded from 5 to 23 employees and students in just one year and continues to grow.

We are based in Aarhus, Denmark, and business functions are mainly in-house, consisting of multi-disciplined teams. Our network of partnerships and customers is worldwide.

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