Kick-off on The Odyssey Project
At TEMcompany, we have partnerships all over the world, and recently, we were fortunate to have some of our collaborators visit us here in Aarhus. In October, we were the proud hosts of the Odyssey Project Kick-Off meeting, with partners from the United States Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning (CEREMA), University of Sorbonne, University of Rouen, and Aarhus University.
A collaboration has been formed to research theories between soil, ground strength and geophysical techniques. The motivation is to investigate whether the TEM method will be more effective than other techniques currently used for civilian and military characterization of soil strength.
This visit was the kick-off for an official two-year partnership between the stakeholders, the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD) and AFRL, where further research and development of geophysical instruments will be a top priority to secure the best data for various applications.
The Odyssey project will be leading to a demonstration in 2024.